A fine design sensibility communicates in a language universally understood. As a multilingual and multicultural Creative Director, I’m acutely aware of the power of image in persuasive storytelling. Lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and luxury brands compete in an ever-changing global marketplace. My passion is to create a visual vocabulary that transcends borders to help your brand stand apart.
Clients: Estee Lauder · Bergdorf Goodman · LVMH · Avon · Kenneth Cole · Sephora · Lane Bryant · Victoria’s Secret
Education: Parsons School of Design, BA · University of California, Berkeley, School of Architecture
我一直相信一個優雅細緻的產品設計,能不受地域界限地與目標對象緊密地聯繫在一起。作為一位出生於香港,擁有豐富國際創作經驗(包括紐約、三藩市、阿姆斯特丹和上海等地)的創作總監,我深深地體會到利用視覺語言的影響力,來表達出深具說服力的故事。視覺語言在時裝界、美容界以及高消費品市場尤為重要,特別在現今競爭激烈的國際市場上。本人之公司:Fiona Ip at Large 的使命是將貴公司的願景轉化為具代表性和特顯貴公司獨特的視覺型象。